Effort Levels
All our expeditions include some level of trekking, trail running, horseback riding, rafting, canopying, etc. We always strive to go to amazing off-the-beaten-path type locations to ensure that we can get unique experiences and make memories for life! Some of our expeditions really are for anyone, whilst some expeditions will require previous outdoor experience and a higher level of fitness. We strive to have groups of similar abilities and expectations to make sure everyone is satisfied at the end of the expedition. If you have any questions regarding the effort levels and recommended level of fitness, just get in touch!

Low Effort
The easier of our expeditions are not to be considered a walk in the park - because they're not. Normally we would be moving in undulated terrain and we should expect climbs and descents of around 200 - 600 hight meters and 2 - 5 hours of total movement per day. We may be exposed to ​rapidly changing weather and wind. Previous outdoor experience is not required. In terms of fitness, we would recommend that you live an active lifestyle and are not unfamiliar with trekking or trail running depending on your expedition. All low effort expeditions are in summer conditions.
Fitness requirement: ability to trek or run 8 km, including 400 meters elevation gain.

Medium Effort
​We will be moving along more technical single trails in the mountains. For summer conditions we can expect climbs and descents of around 500 - 1000 high meters and 4 - 6 hours of total movement per day. We may be exposed to ​rapidly changing weather and wind. Some previous outdoors experience is required. In terms of fitness, we would expect that anyone considering this effort level is active and might be engaging in cardiovascular and strength training a few times a week.
Fitness requirement: ability to trek or run 12 km, including 800 meters elevation gain. If trekking with a backpack of at least 5 Kg. If running with a vest of at least 2 Kg.

High Effort
This is our highest level and will be a challenge for anyone. This doesn't necessarily mean that we will be exhausted at the end of each day, but we will all feel the accumulated distance towards the end of the expedition. ​We can expect average climbs and descents of around 700 -1500 high meters and 5 - 12 hours of total movement per day. These expeditions may be far from civilization or at high altitudes. Previous outdoors experience is required and some trips will be discussed in detail before the application is accepted. In terms of fitness, we would expect that anyone considering this effort level is active year-round and considers the outdoors to be an important part of their lifestyle.
Fitness requirement: ability to trek or run 15 km including 1200 meters elevation gain in 6-10 hours per day. For trail running trips with a backpack or vest of at least 3 Kg. For trekking expeditions a backpack of at least 7 Kg.